Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Professional Babysitters

So, I was driving home today, and saw this giant billboard that said "Be an Early Childhood Educator", and I'm thinking, ok, so now you need a professional degree to be a glorified babysitter?

I mean, need to study to know how to play with babies? Feels like the entire society is getting so differentiated, that everything needs a degree. Seems really excessively redundant to me.

On another note, went to Kintaro's noodle today with T. Yummy. For whatever odd reason, I can never remember what I had the last time. I think there is one noodle there I have never tried, but every time I'm there, I always want to have my favorite. So here it is: Miso. Remember. Bearded Papa's near Denman had a nice chocolate puff today. Double yum.

Booking a flight into Grenada has been a royal pain so far. Seems like I cannot avoid at least two flights now, maybe even more. Should have booked earlier... Would kicking yourself in the butt be considered sadist, or masochist? Hmmmmmmm.

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