Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bard on the beach

Ok. I haven't actually gone to Bard on the Beach yet, but T booked tickets! So I am now officially excited about it.

I've finally booked the flights. It has been a complete headeche. Three seperate flight agencies, flying out of Seattle, to JFK in New York, spend the night there, and then off to Barbados. Finally, more than 24 hours after I leave, I arrive at St. George's. Wow. Simple, Wow. Of course, same trip on the way back, more of less. I am so not looking forward to the actually travelling part. On top of that, I get to spend 3 weeks home. Would be easier, and cheaper to just stay on the island, though I'm sure I will be super home sick, and bored out of my mind.

And that concludes the exciting parts of the last few days. Oh! Finally got a linen jacket. Tight fit too. Uber excited. Now must find occassion to wear it as well.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flight set!


So, after spending 3 hours today talking to various travel agents, online websites, and blah blah blah, I am now set to go to Grenada. Each trip is going to take more than 1 day, with lots of lay overs, so hopefully I get to check in with plenty of time to spare. Over night in JFK too. Wonder if there would be anywhere for me to deposit my luggage, so I can walk around the airport.

On a seperate note: did you know American Airline's call centre is in North Carolina? Their agents seems to really like using Sir and Ma'am. And their voice recordings have a slight Southern accent, kinda cute too.

On a third seperate note, who like those stupid voice recognition things? I mean, you have to speak pretty clearly, which for people with accents, really means that they don't understand you. Plus, the options are so limited, you end up talking to a real person anyways. Plus plus, when it keeps saying it doesn't understand you, it's kinda rude.

That's it for the day. Tomorrow I get to try and get a bizzilion vaccination shots.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Professional Babysitters

So, I was driving home today, and saw this giant billboard that said "Be an Early Childhood Educator", and I'm thinking, ok, so now you need a professional degree to be a glorified babysitter?

I mean, need to study to know how to play with babies? Feels like the entire society is getting so differentiated, that everything needs a degree. Seems really excessively redundant to me.

On another note, went to Kintaro's noodle today with T. Yummy. For whatever odd reason, I can never remember what I had the last time. I think there is one noodle there I have never tried, but every time I'm there, I always want to have my favorite. So here it is: Miso. Remember. Bearded Papa's near Denman had a nice chocolate puff today. Double yum.

Booking a flight into Grenada has been a royal pain so far. Seems like I cannot avoid at least two flights now, maybe even more. Should have booked earlier... Would kicking yourself in the butt be considered sadist, or masochist? Hmmmmmmm.