Thursday, June 11, 2009

Flight set!


So, after spending 3 hours today talking to various travel agents, online websites, and blah blah blah, I am now set to go to Grenada. Each trip is going to take more than 1 day, with lots of lay overs, so hopefully I get to check in with plenty of time to spare. Over night in JFK too. Wonder if there would be anywhere for me to deposit my luggage, so I can walk around the airport.

On a seperate note: did you know American Airline's call centre is in North Carolina? Their agents seems to really like using Sir and Ma'am. And their voice recordings have a slight Southern accent, kinda cute too.

On a third seperate note, who like those stupid voice recognition things? I mean, you have to speak pretty clearly, which for people with accents, really means that they don't understand you. Plus, the options are so limited, you end up talking to a real person anyways. Plus plus, when it keeps saying it doesn't understand you, it's kinda rude.

That's it for the day. Tomorrow I get to try and get a bizzilion vaccination shots.

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