Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is real?

Recently found this blog, with tutorials on many beauty, and fashion advices for women, mostly make up related, etc. It certainly does give a more detailed look at the machinations of the female world, and perhaps, just perhaps, finally allowed the men out there to understand the endless hours waiting for the women to come out of the washroom (also gives the phrase "powdering my nose" a much needed clarify).

However, it does make me think about what is real, and what is superfacial. As a society, we seems to be so wrapped up with appearances, and it's hard to distinguish what is genuine anymore. At the same time, what is defined to be genuine? Does putting on make up presents a misrepresentation of the true self? On the one hand, one can argue that really, it's not who you are; but at the same time, "I think, therefore I am". Afterall, if a maked up face is what you present to the world, isn't that what the world perceives as the real you? Who is, is looking back at you in the mirror first thing in the morning?

But, enough about this, E's wedding was gorgerous. There really seems to be a sense of unity in the air, and between the two families. I'm really happy for her. Sad too, to see another friend likely disappearing into the wider world.

The dinner menu was exactly the same as T's cousin's wedding last week, at the same restaurant. I found that rather hilarious. I got seated with a bunch of people from cow's town. Flames fans, yuck. It did make for some very interesting conversation though.

The day ended at Moxie's, and some good afterhour drink conversations ensued. Although it was a good day all in all, perhaps it was rather marred. Lots of things happened, and it really got me thinking, that maybe I need some time to do some serious self reflection. Hopefully, I can do better by everyone, and myself in the future. Ok T?

The day of reckoning is approaching like a freight train. Some really mixed feelings, excitement, anxiety, fear, happiness, all rolled into one. Ahhh, can't say enough to put it all into words. Better dig deeper into the rabbit hole.

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